Im Waiting

Im Waiting

I’m Waiting 7: Sex, Entertainment, and Your Kids with Marvin “Merv” Mattair

November 19, 2015

This week, we are digging in on how to protect our kids from today’s media that tells them that their only value comes from their sexuality. From Rihanna to Flo Rida to Nicki Minaj… sex sells. But what is the motive behind it all?
Now, for Merv’s household, they got rid of cable television altogether. He knows this doesn’t mean that his kids won’t encounter this “sales pitch” outside of their home, but it is Merv’s and his wife’s first line of defense when it comes to protecting his kids from this ever prevalent message. He’s aware that he can’t completely seclude his kids from the entertainment industry’s sexual content, but as long as he can take efforts to break up the consistency, then an effective first step is taken.
But what about breaking news or sports? Merv learned that, even in this age of HD television, you can get a couple handfuls of channels with an over-the-air “rabbit ears” antennae. Couple this with Netflix (with parental supervision filters)
What Merv and his wife have now noticed is that, by breaking up the consistency of sexually provocative messages, when his kids are exposed to today’s rap videos, or other sexually charged shows, they are repulsed by it.
You see, Merv and I view all these sexually explicit shows, commercials, music videos, YouTube videos, etc., as tricks of the enemy. And they aren’t going anywhere. There is too much demand out there, and their producers are simply meeting the demand.
It’s simple economics.
It’s also basic biology.
The pituitary gland sends hormones that, if left unchecked can cause even a man with a beautiful wife and amazing children, a nice house and cool car (basically everything a man could want) to go out and cheat on his wife. Most teenagers today see this behavior and it baffles them. They don’t understand the biology. They aren’t aware of how the man’s pituitary gland sends signals down to his testicles, which release testosterone and sets the whole engine into motion. And it doesn’t take much at all to get things rolling.
This is what inspired Merv to write “Baby Girl You Are A Dime, But He Cheated On You With A Nickel”. For many guys, even if their wife has more than twice the value as the girl they see in tight pants, the “nickel” in tight pants grabs a hold of his attention and he loses control.
All this to say that infidelity, divorce, and single parenthood will continue to increase so long as men are constantly bombarded with sexually charged messages from entertainment and other women.
Even the basic vocabulary in our love songs doesn’t make sense. “I want to make love to you”. How does this make any sense? No person can create love. It’s simply not logical. And it takes love right out of the equation and turns it into nothing more than animalistic sex.
And that’s how lives get ruined: from the wrong, inappropriate words being whispered or body parts being exposed that lead to raging hormones, causing men and women, boys and girls to go down the wrong path.
It all boils down to value. How valuable do you see yourself? How valuable do you treat the person you love? Where does your value come from?
