Im Waiting

Im Waiting

I’m Waiting 4: Interview with Merv Mattair, Part 1

October 27, 2015

Merv Mattair and I share a lot in common. He is constantly reaching out to his community (albeit on the other side of the country than me), impacting the lives of young people all over Madison County, Florida. He’s an author, a radio host and motivational speaker, doing what he is called to do by God: to reach out to people, love them, disciple them, and speak truth in love. He often speaks on sexual risk avoidance and abstinence and is making a huge impact on his community.
In his own words, his most important roles are that of a husband and father. Everything else is irrelevant if he’s not holding those two positions down.
He’s also been blessed with the gift of writing and speaking. His first book, “Word To My Kings And Queens Achieving A Renewed And Improved Mind”. is one man's documented journey from a boy to becoming a king. Using Merv’s own life as an example to learn from, he delivers a powerful message to our young people about being responsible and making positive decisions.
His second book, “Word from My Kings & Queens: Overcoming Seemingly Insurmountable Odds” is a collection of triumphant stories Merv compiled from nineteen different storytellers to help inspire readers to overcome situations that appear unbearable.
Then there’s Merv’s latest book, what he calls the “Granddaddy of Them All” is titled “My Royal Swag: Viewing Life in HD”.
And if you think about it, there’s a sequence to the three works. The first book addresses changing your mindset from one that doesn’t provide good results, that’s stuck in the same bad patterns that you want to rise from. But, once you are able to achieve a renewed and improved mind, then you will be able to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds that you will inevitably encounter. So, where you once would have looked at life’s difficult seasons and be overwhelmed, now you would have the tools and inspiration to move beyond the tough times. And finally, you would arrive at a point where you could live as God has intended – completely free without shackles around your ankles or your mind!
It was out of this sequence that Merv was able to start a youth program in Madison County called Boys to Kings.
One thing (of many) that is unique about his program is that it wasn’t founded on grant money that will eventually run out and see its staff run away with it, but it began with people excited about helping today’s youth, serving the community and maintaining its staff without the need of a single grant. It’s funded from grassroots efforts, pot luck fundraisers and a few loyal supporters. This financial backbone has provided a stage where everyone involved can put their faith to work, and reveals that God is real and working through the staff and volunteers who are willing to obey His call there in Florida!
All this helps Merv keep his priorities straight – knowing that it’s God who is in charge and Merv is just there to manage what few things God has provided for him, starting with his wife and children.
