I’m Not Mad, I’m Just Irritated

I’m Not Mad, I’m Just Irritated

Latest Episodes

Episode 10: Grown ass men wearing jerseys, puffy furniture, and the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
July 21, 2020

Today’s stellar episode feature listener mail. Plus I make my case to permanently retire Stairway to Heaven and replace it in rotation with a Gordon Lightfoot classic!! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. htt

Episode 9: Happy Independence Day! General Irritations like old rock stars and your kids.
July 03, 2020

Episode 9 you bastards! Topics included today: the beach is stupid, your kids begging to spend the night at their friend’s house, old rock stars that once loved sticking it to the man-but have now become the man, trash men are badass, and I’m thinking of

Episode 8: A Child Murder Forgotten part 2
June 23, 2020

This episode follows up on the murder of 15 month-old Tami Michelle Wasaff at the hands of her uncle, Benjamin Eugene Jackson, Jr. in 1983. It’s a sad, tragic, and shocking story. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a p

Episode 7: Low T, Mattresses, Model Cars and other means of torture!
June 11, 2020

Did you know your penis shrinks when you get old? That’s bullshit! Plus, don’t you hate when your work makes you read a book. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app

Episode 6: A Child Murder Forgotten
May 19, 2020

In 1983, a fraternity brother of mine was arrested and charged with the murder of his 15 month-old niece. No one ever heard from or about him again. His name does not show up on any internet search that I’ve conducted.

Episode 5: Quit Telling Me it’s Star Wars Day...and No, You Can’t have a Birth Month-You Get a Day!
May 13, 2020

Movember. Star Wars Day. Birth Months! Mother’s Day and More!!

Episode 4: Shout Out to my Listener in Greece! And more airing of irritations.
April 24, 2020

The irritations continue from episode 3. But soon, maybe, we rejoice!

Episode Three: A partial list of irritations.
April 16, 2020

As the title of the podcast suggests, episode 3 shows how a man that looks at the world systemically gets slightly irritated by folks with no clue.

Episode 2: The eBay Life: Ichiro and Hubcaps
April 06, 2020

Has someone ever suggested you should side hustle dough through selling on eBay? It’s mostly bullshit. I’ve been selling on eBay for 22 years. Here’s what you should know. Also, Hear the story of when I accidentally sold my ex-wife’s hubcap!

Episode 1 “A Fly in the Ointment: My Career in a Texas Public School System”
March 27, 2020

Ever get labeled as “having an attitude problem?” Most of the time that’s not the case with people. Put simply, folks get labeled as “not a team player” or “squeaky wheel” when bosses get called on their bullshit. Happens all the time-especially in public
