IM Network

IM Network

Pt 2. The Law and the Promise: The Ancient Technology of Prayer

August 22, 2018

Pt 2. The Law and the Promise: The Ancient Technology of Prayer 

Imagine a world that works for everyone: Understanding the law of attraction according to scripture and applying it in your life. 

In this series of episodes host and executive producer Tamara shares an inspiring spiritual download that may clarify some confusion about the Law of Attraction and how to apply it in everyday life. This download has resulted from years of study analysis of the teachings of Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Rev, Micheal Beckwith and more recently Rev Ike.

It is Tamara's earnest hope that this sharing inspires each and everyone who listens, to find a renewed appreciation for the Bible, as well as the revered texts of other spiritual traditions. Truths hidden in plain sight are being revealed now as we become ready to use them with wisdom.

Peace & Blessings,

The Illuminations Media Network

Contact Tamara at

