The Policy Shop

The Policy Shop

Latest Episodes

Ep. 11: Getting a J-O-B with Bryce Hill
November 09, 2021

At the national level, Americans are experiencing a phenomenon deemed “the Great Resignation,” because workers are quitting their jobs at record rates for better opportunities. But at home, Illinois is one of just eight states that has more unemployed peo

Ep. 10: Government unions’ big power play with Mailee Smith
November 02, 2021

Next November, Illinois voters will determine whether government unions here will expand the power they have over government at every level in the state – forever. Mailee Smith, staff attorney and director of labor policy, joins the Policy Shop to b

Ep. 9: Why is Illinois so corrupt? with Austin Berg
October 26, 2021

Springfield and the chattering classes were abuzz last session over an ethics reform package that promised to end public corruption in the wake of longtime House Speaker Mike Madigan’s departure. Gov. J.B. Pritzker officially certified that bill, Senate B

Ep. 8: What to watch this week in Springfield with Jordan Ryan
October 19, 2021

It’s veto session this month in the state capitol. What’s that? How does the legislative process work in Springfield? Jordan Ryan joins the Policy Shop to discuss how bills become a law and what taxpayers should watch in the sessions to come.

Ep. 7: Fact-checking Chicago’s budget with Adam Schuster
October 12, 2021

Mayor Lightfoot said her budget proposal increases police funding, but it’s actually down when adjusted for inflation. And, by the way, property taxes are going up — again.

Ep. 6: Why are Illinois property taxes so high? Featuring Adam Schuster
October 05, 2021

Illinois residents pay the second highest property taxes in the nation. In fact, property tax bills here can be just as high as your mortgage payment. These absurdly high property taxes force many families to leave the state, or worse, lose their homes al

Ep. 5: Pensions 101: Understanding IL’s pension crisis
September 27, 2021

Illinoisans pay the second-highest property taxes in the nation. In fact, all the other state and local taxes we pay add up to one of the highest financial burdens in the U.S. So how come our grandchildren will still inherit $219 billion in debt from the

Ep. 4: Obstacles to education with Mailee Smith
September 21, 2021

The goal of education gets thrown out of whack all too often by the leaders of the teachers’ unions, who focus too much on political power and not enough on being good stewards for their members and the public education system.

Ep. 3: Illinois budget fact check with Adam Schuster
September 13, 2021

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is campaigning for re-election by claiming he has balanced Illinois’ budgets and managed its pension funds well. Both of those claims are inaccurate, Adam Schuster explains, and deep, structural issues are to blame. The s

Ep. 2: Illinois’ post-COVID economy with Orphe Divounguy
September 07, 2021

Unemployment, underemployment, joblessness, hiring struggles – every type of job news seems to be floating around this month. But how are things actually looking here at home in Illinois? Chief Economist Orphe Divounguy joins host Hilary Gowins to explore
