The Policy Shop

The Policy Shop

Madigan’s unbalanced budget | Episode 47

May 29, 2016

Kristen McQueary from the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board breaks down the $7 billion out-of-balance budget proposed by House Democrats. Vincent Flaska and Dan Kossow from Hoist Liftruck – a manufacturing company that left Illinois for greener pastures in Indiana last year – explain to Dan Proft and Cole Lauterbach why business is better in the Hoosier state. State Rep. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, discusses the defeat of House Bill 580, which would have taken away Gov. Rauner’s ability to negotiate with AFSCME.
Hosts: Dan Proft & Cole Lauterbach
Guests: Kristen McQueary, Vincent Flaska, Dan Kossow, Terri Bryant
