Igno Rants on College Football

Igno Rants on College Football

Latest Episodes

Week 7 Pickcast: Too much Igno Rants will rot your brain, son
October 13, 2017

Much like those prescription pain killers your Aunt Bertha got hooked on back in ’87 — remember she nearly killed Big Jimmy and Lil’ Ray taking them out inner tubing on the power lines behind her F-250? — Igno Rants can be habit-forming.

Week 6 Pickcast: Up is down, left is right… DOGS AND CATS GETTING ALONG!
October 06, 2017

The sheer weirdness of 2017 college football is a sure sign of the Apocalypse. But not a fiery Armageddon, no, if 5 weeks of this insanity has taught us anything, it’s that the world will end because all the things that we used to count on — gravity,

Week 5 Recap: Better late than nev… Ah, heck, whatever. The SEC sucks.
October 04, 2017

With each new season, the college football talking heads like to jabber on about how we’re always surprised by the sport. Maybe it’s not so much of a surprise so much as an inevitability — like when you’re having a nice Thanksgiving dinner with the ext...

Week 5 Pickcast: One at a time outta be enough for any man
September 29, 2017

With 1/3 of the season in the books, Igno Rants has hit mid-season form. Unfortunately, the slate of games for this weekend has not as arguably the best of the bunch starts at 10:30 ET on Friday night. There’s still much to discuss, carry on about,

Week 4 Recap: Just friggin’ content with the world
September 25, 2017

It was a week when too many of the big boys struggled to look mighty against inferior opponents. Not so with Auburn and Alabama (and, OK, Georgia too, we suppose). Both on the scoreboard and statistically, these teams thoroughly dominated their SEC foe...

Week 3 Recap: The Eternal Sunshine (Pumping) of the Stats-Oriented Mind
September 18, 2017

Like the inevitable, next sequel in the Fast & Furious franchise, week 3 was all hype and very little substance. True, we had some surprise games thanks to Texas and Memphis (?!), but there was a lot of deflation going on. More to the point,

Week 3 Pickcast: Forward Progress (or lack thereof)
September 15, 2017

While the Gus Bus tries to stop devolving into an Oregon Trail disaster of misery and dysentery, Auburn gets a week of cupcake delights against Mercer. Likewise, Alabama tries to get healthy hosting the Rams of Colorado State. Meh. Luckily,

Week 2 Recap: We got those week-in-and-week-out doldrums already
September 11, 2017

Stop me if you heard this one recently: Alabama handled an overmatched team easily, but looked sloppy doing it. Auburn, filled with expectations, failed to put together a coherent offensive performance even while its defense looked good.

Week 2 Pickcast: Batten down the hatches, y’all
September 08, 2017

It looks like most of our audience will be directly under the baleful gaze of Irma this weekend and through the start of next week. Be safe, be smart everyone! And by that I mean get everything ready today so you can enjoy the quality football games on...

Week 1 Recap: Ain’t no 34 point lead like an Aggie 34 point lead
September 07, 2017

Whelp, after week one we still have 50% of CFB teams among the ranks of the unbeaten. Queue the mass hysteria for how to pick the Top 4! Already in mid-season form, Jeremy waxes excitedly about the fabulous upsides of Auburn’s big win over Georgia Sout...
