Igniting Faith Podcast

Igniting Faith Podcast

Episode 70 - Who do you think is getting the most out of the game, the fans or the players?

April 22, 2014

There are many ways that we live on the sidelines of life without even realizing it. We care about, and talk about a lot of things. We get tossed about on the seas of opinion and gossip, we wonder why our life feels disconnected, rushed, frustrating and stressful.

We don’t have to live life like this, we can anchor into what matters. We can live life at the heart of God. We can begin to care for things, rather than simply caring about them. As we care for our lives and the lives of those around us, we begin to experience what it is to be at the heart of what matters most to us.

If that doesn’t sound like a taste of heaven, I don’t know what does!
