ID10T | ID10T And Stuff

ID10T | ID10T And Stuff

ID10T And Stuff Special Edition

April 01, 2014

ID10T And Stuff Special Edition has been released. Thank you all for listening for the past year (all 4 of you *grin*). I’m releasing a special edition of ID10T And Stuff just for the hell of it. I will also be releasing the next episode this coming Sunday. So come on over to and stream or download the newest episode. You can also find the episode on I-Tunes by searching for ID10T and Stuff. You can also find the ID10T And Stuff Podcast HERE.

New ID10T And Stuff Podcasts are released the first monday of every month. Do you have a comment or idea? You can contact me through the site or send an e-mail to So go ahead and tell all your generous and rich friends. Spread the word and let’s stop stupidity with some knowledge and exercise our brains. *insert big evil grin here*

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