ID10T | ID10T And Stuff

ID10T | ID10T And Stuff

ID10T And Stuff Episode 8 Stupidly Stuffed

November 05, 2013

ID10T And Stuff Episode 8 Stupidly Stuffed is now released. In this episode I cover my thoughts on the most recent news with the US health care act. I also talk about psychics and paranormal investigations as well as explore what possible new technologies I think we should be using in our search for life outside our planet. I’ll also talk about some of the underlying web technologies we use every day. So download it on I-Tunes, stream it from my site and threaten your friends with it. So come on over to and stream or download the newest episode. You can also find the episode on I-Tunes by searching for ID10T and Stuff.
You can also find the ID10T And Stuff Podcast HERE.
New ID10T And Stuff Podcasts are released the first monday of every month. Do you have a comment or idea? You can contact me through the site or send an e-mail to

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