The Enough is Enough Podcast

The Enough is Enough Podcast

Latest Episodes

Get God on Your Escape Team
April 19, 2022

How to begin a relationship with God and grow in that relationship. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review.

God Says Get Out Of Your Abusive Relationship
April 12, 2022

On this episode of The I Don't want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discusses the story of how Abigail and Nabal is God's message to all abused spouses.   Thanks for listening! Please remember to

How the Abusive Game is Played
April 05, 2022

On this episode of The I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discuses how the abusive game is played. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review.  

The Curse of Christian Codependency
March 29, 2022

On this episode of The I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discusses Christian Codependency and the damage it causes. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscrbe, rate, and review o

God Does Not Want You to be Abused
March 22, 2022

Staying with your abuser is Satan's plan for your life; leaving your abuser is God's plan. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review.

Lessons From The Song of Solomon
March 15, 2022

On this episode of The I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discusses some marriage principles from the Song of Solomon. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and revie

The Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser
March 08, 2022

On this episode of The I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discusses the most popular lies that keep you with your abuser. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and re

How the Church Mishandles Abuse Part Two
March 01, 2022

On this episode of the I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discusses two more pieces of bad Christian advice and Biblical support for leaving an abusive spouse. Thanks for listening! Plea

How the Church Mishandles Abuse Part One
February 22, 2022

On this episode of the I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David E. Clarke discusses the three pieces of bad advice Christian "helpers" give to abused spouses. If your marriage is in a crisis, conside

Why You Don't Want to Leave Your Abuser
February 15, 2022

On this episode of The I Don't Want a Divorce Podcast, Dr. David Clarke discusses the main fears that keep you with your abuser. If your marriage is in a crisis, consider doing a phone advice session
