Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

Is Your Network Marketing Team Not Duplicating? Here’s Why and How to Fix it

June 20, 2016

In this video, Billy Funk shares the secrets to team duplication in network marketing.

One of my first mentors in network marketing told me, Billy, if you can’t change your people, change your people.
He told this to me after I was complaining that my team wasn’t duplicating, and he was right, I needed to find better people.
So I did.
The second philosophy around network marketing duplication is all about systems and law of averages.
If you have the right system that is super simple and anyone can do it, and that system produces results for other people in your company, well then it can produce results for you if you play the numbers right.
Feel free to share this with your teams (Because sharing just makes you a better person)

Ray Dietrich & Billy Funk

Hybrid Marketers Blog
Email: hybridmarketers@gmail.com
P.S. Have you checked out our 90 Day Network Marketing Launch Blueprint yet?

