Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

Why Goal Setting Is So Important And What Can Happen When You Do!

May 26, 2016

The Magic Of The Law Of Attraction And Goal Setting (Episode 28!)

You have probably heard people swear by goal setting and the law of attraction, right?  Well Ray had too…  for years and years in business… and pretty much ignored it all.  He was a nuts and bolts guy who could care less about mindset.
Flash forward 15+ years and enter a crazy looking movie on Netflix called The Secret, and absolute magic happened.
Goals written down came exactly true.  Now this isn’t magical, it’s all through hard work… but there is something to be said for goal setting. Ray finally broke free of his 9-5 and is living the life of an entrepreneur full time.  Even though he has been working his business 40-60 hours a week for years and years, making this transition was massive and he owes it all to goal setting.
If you have one take away from this post, please sit down and write out your goals TODAY.  Get this done and focus on them every single day… and watch what happens next!
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