Humans in Love ft. Zachary Stockill

Humans in Love ft. Zachary Stockill

#30 – Overcoming Anxiety and Telling Better Stories with Kyle Gray

September 17, 2019

Kyle Gray is an author and consultant who focuses on helping entrepreneurs craft powerful stories to help their business.

He’s also an old friend of mine.

Kyle and I met around five years ago in Chiang Mai as we were both going through the growing pains of learning about online business, and location-independent entrepreneurship.

It was during this period that debilitating anxiety took on a central role in Kyle’s day to day life.

Although I’ve never dealt with anxiety to the extent Kyle has, many of my readers, listeners, and coaching clients have.

I wanted to learn more about Kyle’s experience of anxiety, and more importantly, the strategies he’s relying on to overcome it.

Kyle is also the author of the Amazon bestseller The Story Engine, and we also get into tips we can all use to tell better stories which will benefit us not only in business, but in intimate relationships and beyond.

Really enjoyed this one. Hope you do too.

Mentioned in this episode:

* The Store Engine by Kyle Gray [Amazon]
* Selling with Story by Kyle Gray [Amazon]

Connect with Kyle at:

* His personal website

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