Health Tech Weekly

Health Tech Weekly

LifeFuels Hydration Plus Nutrition Support

February 02, 2016

Maintaining adequate hydration is important. So is keeping your electrolyte levels up during exercise. The new dispenser water bottle from LifeFuels offers a unique way to keep track of these parameters, especially for active people.

Health Tech Weekly host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic interviewed LifeFuels Chief Operating Officer Ethan Gill about the electronic dispensing water bottle. They met up at the International CES conference in Las Vegas, Nevada last month where many health technology companies were gathered to show off their products for consumers.

LifeFuels says they have the nutrition you need, when you need it, on the go. The water bottle provides dispenser inserts that have different nutritional liquid supplements to be dispensed into the water bottle as you need them. It ties in with a mobile application on your smartphone or tablet and allows you to track your hydration levels and the nutritional content of the various supplements you have consumed that day.

The LifeFuels water bottle is coming soon so check in at their site

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