Health Tech Weekly

Health Tech Weekly

SKY UV from Seal Shield Changes Hospital Infection Control

January 19, 2016

Health Tech Weekly host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic checked out the Seal Shield booth at CES 2016 in Las Vegas earlier this month. While there he chatted with CEO Brad Whitchurch about their new infection control products to reduce healthcare acquired infections. Jamie was impressed most by the new SKY UV toaster-like device that sterilizes mobile devices in a portable easy to use format.

Nurses and physicians, as well as other healthcare professionals, use their mobile smartphones and tablets like iPads more and more often in the healthcare arena. The challenge comes when trying to clean these devices adequately. The SKY UV from Seal Shield takes care of this problem once and for all.

Hospital acquired infections are a major issue for patients and healthcare workers. The federal government and the Joint Commission have both made it a primary issue for hospitals and healthcare organizations to reduce the incidence of these infections. Cleaning devices used by the healthcare team is part of the push. This can reduce the transmission of diseases from one patient to another by stopping the carrying of infected devices from one room to the next.
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