HR Latte

HR Latte

Diversity in the Workplace: An Open Discussion - "Racial Bias" with Torin Ellis

May 05, 2015

~ May Series: Diversity in the Workplace ~

Torin Ellis joins Rayanne and HR Latte to launch latest series: Diversity in the Workplace

HR Latte chats with Torin Ellis, Diversity Search Maverick, Hybrid Recruiter, and Founder of "the torin ellis brand (video)" about racial bias in hiring and talent management today. Based in Baltimore, Torin is perfectly positioned to launch this series on diversity. Rayanne will ask the hard questions, the ones no one wants to ask. It's time for this conversation!

Join us for a quick impact conversation about Diveristy in the Workplace and Racial Bias.

HR Latte is a fast-paced, quick hit show where you can expect not only surprises but the information you need to know for success in the world of talent management.

Follow the action on Twitter:

Torin Ellis  - @TorinEllis
