Howling Jack's Horror Cast

Howling Jack's Horror Cast

20- Inside (2007)

July 19, 2016

KATIE ASKED FOR A REAL HORROR MOVIE AND SHE GOT IT! Howling Jack's Horror Cast is committed to bringing you weekly reviews on all things horror! Each week, Howling Jack will bring you shortened feature reviews full of facts, trivia, news, and opinions on whether the horror movie will be right for you.    This week Howling Jack and Katie Leigh have a horror baby: Inside (2007). A movie so sick, it may have just settled the pro-choice/pro-life argument.     Join us next week for the review the new and incredibly scary: Lights Out (2016)    Send in your suggestions and scary tales to these dreadful places: -Tweet us Twitter: @hjackhorror -Like Us on Facebook: Howling Jack's Facebook Page! -Subscribe to us on iTunes- Howling Jack's Horror Cast so you never miss an episode! #HJHC
