How Legends are Made Podcast

How Legends are Made Podcast

What do Lebron, Stamkos and Donaldson have in common?

February 29, 2016

It's time to step into your most powerful day of the week! It's  Monday Motivation time!

Who is on Lebron's team? What about Steven Stamkos's; Who's on his team? Josh Donaldson, have you seen his team?

These superstars play for amazing teams, but the teams that propel them to be great are the teammates you never see; the people who help them shine when none is watching.

So this begs the questions (But you probably knew I was going to ask); What does your team look like? Not your team on the front line, but your team behind the scenes who helps you shine when none is watching?

Watch this weeks Monday Motivation and learn how to build a legendary team that will help you move mountains and make your dreams come true. #Booyah



I love hearing from you! Thanks for all your comments and shares. Keep them coming and share this week’s Monday Motivation with your friends, family and colleagues.

Have a great week and remember to keep dreaming, planning and executing your way to a legendary life! #BOOYAH #MondayMotivation

Your friend,
