House-sitting Life's podcast

House-sitting Life's podcast

Latest Episodes

Housesitting Life #39: Thank-you And Goodbye
October 06, 2019

After almost a year of creating Housesitting Life podcasts this week there have been a few decisions and changes. To find out more, join me, Lizzie Bezant, for this week's podcast on living the Housesitting Life.

Housesitting Life #38: Understanding Australia's Lifestyle Of Septic And Rainwater Tanks
September 29, 2019

In a week of lambs, calves and beaching seals, discover more about Australia’s lifestyle of rainwater and septic tanks. Not every house has them, but it's wise to know if you’re housesitting one that does. To find out more, join me, Lizzie Bezant,...

Housesitting Life #37:How Getting A Sit In Tasmania Can Vary From Getting One In WA
September 22, 2019

Housesitting in Australia? Did you know it can be more difficult to get a housesit in some states than others?  This month I’ve been discovering how getting sits in the state of Tasmania varies from getting them in Western Australia. Plus how...

Housesitting Life #36: Some Unexpected Thrills of Australia's Roads
September 15, 2019

Believe it or not, each Australian state's road is not the same - neither is their signage. So here are some of unexpected peculiarities that caused even a long-term local driver to smile.   To find out more, join me, Lizzie Bezant, for this...

Housesitting Life #35: The Road-trip Across Australia In Hindsight
September 08, 2019

Yes, my road trip across Australia, from Perth to Tasmania, has finished. The question though is, did I make the right decisions beforehand about what to take with me for a smooth and easy journey, what would I recommend for others, and what were my...

Housesitting Life #34:Tasmania - The End Of Our Housesitting Road-trip
August 31, 2019

So the big question is… did our housesitting road-trip actually make it to Tasmania? To find out more, join me, Lizzie Bezant, for this week's podcast on living the Housesitting Life.

Housesitting Life #33: Tasmania, Fun Facts And Information
August 26, 2019

Want to know what’s so special about Tasmania (Australia), and some of its fun facts? Want to know what motivated us to make the road-trip from Perth to Tassie? To find out more, join me, Lizzie Bezant, for this week's podcast on living the...

Housesitting Life #32: Driving Across Australia - Perth To Tasmania
August 18, 2019

Yes, the adventure has finally begun. We have actually started our housesitting road-trip across Australia, driving from Perth across the Nullabor to Tasmania. Which also means that after much thought, decisions have been made about all kinds of...

Housesitting Life #31: The Importance, And Challenge, Of Staying In Touch
August 11, 2019

There are many important aspects of housesitting, but the importance, challenges and fun of staying in touch with friends as you travel across a country not knowing when you’ll return, is not normally one of them. To find out more, join me, Lizzie...

Housesitting Life #30: Only 17 Days To Go - My Perth To Melbourne Road-Trip
August 04, 2019

Join me for my ‘almost final’ countdown for my drive across Australia. Only 17 days before we start our housesitting road-trip from Perth to Melbourne! Who’d have guessed what we’d still need to do, the challenges that appeared from nowhere,...
