House Call Revolution

House Call Revolution

Season 1 Episode 104: The Power of Choice to Create What You Want

September 15, 2015

There’s this saying that perception is reality. That the way we perceive the world is a huge part of the world we actually create.
So the question I want to pose to you is how do you perceive your world? Is it full of fear, doubt, questions, uncertainty? Is it hard for you to accomplish what you want? Do you feel like you never get to where you want to go? Do you always feel behind or in a rush? Do you feel like you never get done what you wanted to? Are you quick to react? Easily stressed? 
Or do you feel like it’s full of potential? Or do you feel steady? In control of your emotions and your thoughts? In control of your plan…goals you want to accomplish…milestones you want to achieve?
Because that ultimately impacts the way we shape our reality…the results we get…the lifestyles we achieve…the businesses we create...and our overall happiness.
I was humbled by a dialogue I had from an aspiring house call business owner lately and part of what inspired me to focus on this topic were what he said to me,
"What fascinates me about people like you who can just channel emotion into something incredible, When I look at you and other high performers like you I'm just amazed at what you can accomplish! And I want to be that way!"
Hearing some see me as a high performer means the world because that's who I am in my essence, when I'm 100% on rockin it! But underneath of it is fear, doubt, questions, and all of that head trash that we all face.
And you know what I do to squelch it? I feed my mind with as much positive mojo as I can.
We have the power to choose how we perceive the world. We actually have the choice to be a high performer. We actually have the choice to create ridiculous success in our lives. We have to power to create abundance in our lives.
It's time for you to go create yours! 
