Hot Micumentary Podcast

Hot Micumentary Podcast

Latest Episodes

Big Faith
September 18, 2022

Ya' thinkin' small, when ya need to be Thinkin" B

We Need A Resolution
September 10, 2022

We Need A Resolution by Kerah Whit

We Need A Resolution
September 07, 2022

Surprise! We're back with a new intro, new season

The Influence of Black Matriarchy
July 11, 2021

I got the opportunity to spend quality time with

Downtime Depression
June 15, 2021

Although we are almost post pandemic, the time we

Would You Choose You?
June 02, 2021

If you are completely honest with yourself, would

So, About Therapy....
September 24, 2020

Therapy isn't as taboo in the black community as …

Burn Your Capes
September 09, 2020

It is a day of reckoning. Much like the feminism

Chains of Child Support
August 06, 2020

Does the current system of child support fit in t…

Hot Open Mic Talk: 3 Generations of Marriage
July 30, 2020

This edition of Hot Open Mic Talk and I invited 3…
