Horrorscape Podcast

Horrorscape Podcast

Latest Episodes

Alice Sweet Alice
July 26, 2020

Calling all saints and sinners alike. Join in as we check out Alice Sweet Alice.

Train to Busan
July 07, 2020

Hope you have your tickets because on the episode we take a trip. It's the Korean zombie spectacular Train to Busan.

June 29, 2020

Break out the pesticide for this one, it's 1997's Mimic

The Blob (1988)
June 15, 2020

Terror truly has no shape on this weeks episode because we are discussing 1988's remake-ish of The Blob!

Salem's Lot
June 01, 2020

Travel back to a time where vampires were blue, and Jeep doors unreliable. It's 1979's Salem's Lot.

May 10, 2020

What is your favorite scary movie? Could it be Wes Craven's 1996 iconic meta-slasher Scream? If it is, or even if it's not, join in as we take a look at this modern classic.

Freddy Vs Jason
May 03, 2020

A clash of the titans, a battle of the beasts, a....well.... mildly interesting movie on two beloved horror icons caught in a tussle??? Well here it is Freddy Vs Jason. 

The Thing (1982)
April 26, 2020

Considered by many, us included, to be one of the greatest horror movies of all time. John Carpenter's The Thing. Drop in and check out this masterpiece with us. 

April 19, 2020

One thing is certain, Audition may leave you on, dare I say, pins and needles. Scoot on in as we check out Takashi Miike's seat squirming cringe-fest Audition from 1999.

28 Days Later / 28 Weeks Later
April 02, 2020

We have a double feature here for you all. Up is the 28 Days Later / 28 Weeks later combo. It's a little lengthy so be sure to let this one take a bite out of your time.
