World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

Episode 262: 263: How To Be The Director Of Your Life

March 17, 2018

This is a follow on from a previous episode called, The Movie Script of Aging, Dying & Death. In that episode we discussed the planes of existence before life, the planes of existence during life, and the planes of existence after death. You might remember we spoke about the possibility that our reality might be likened to us being in a movie theater; that our lives might be a dream scape. We mentioned this dreamscape was the same thing the Course In Miracles talks about when it says we should make our lives a happy dream as opposed to a sad and upsetting one. They alluded to this earth reality as being a dream.So, we've used the metaphor of the movie theater to build on this possibility. We are in the movie of our lives; we are the actors and the actresses. We are the movie, and we're such good actors and actresses we have made it all so believable for us and for our audience. That was the previous episode, and it concluded where we said we'd come back and explore the possibility of what it would be like if we were to be the director of the movie instead. So, let's look at that possibility.Most of the time we are so immersed in our roles as players, actors, stagehands, we don't remember it's a movie. But the director does. The director knows it's a movie. The director is involved in every aspect of the making of the movie. So, let's step back from our perceived role as an actor, and imagine for a moment we're now the director. Let's consider ourselves to be the director of our lives, let's become the creator of our reality.As the director, we've set up all the scenarios. We've ordered the backdrop, the lighting, the crew. We've created the atmosphere, the environment, the tension, the drama, the excitement. We've created the whole thing to give a certain impression, to give one actor a life of joy and happiness and another a life of difficulty and sadness or whatever, depending on the level of consciousness of the actors and the actresses.Instead of being told what to do in your life, you as the director, call the shots. You say, let's leave this bit out, let's put this bit in, let's grow this one's character, let this scene be violent, that one loving. Let's dwell more on this pose, focus more on that detail. Let's bring out this characteristic in this actor because he causes something to happen in other characters.This is what a director does. The director directs the action, directs the outcomes, tells the story to give the maximum impact. But remember, you as the director know where the stage door is. You as the director are creating the film. You as the director can walk into the movie theater of your life at any point in time and say, Oh, this aspect needs to be better, or that characteristic should be improved, or let's take the focus off that and put it on this.Maybe at the previews you as the director say, yeah, you should have spent more time with your family there or, you know, next time around, I won't do that, or I learned this for our next movie, or whatever, but you get the point.How do we become the director? Well, we first have to master being an actor. We've seen that in countless films throughout the years and through the history of Hollywood. We've seen how people just don't walk into the position of director or just assume they will sit in the director's chair. They come up through the ranks of being an actor, actress, and they've gone through all the different jobs in the movie making business so they understand how it works. They understand the stage, the setup, they understand drama, timing, voice, the musical score, they understand camera technology, lighting, location; they understand their creation. Most of all they understand how to make an illusion. What did I just say? They understand how to make an illusion, and they know how to make that illusion believable. That's what a creator is, and that's what you and I have done with this reality. We are the directors, but we didn't realize we were d
