Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Room Full of Nerd Stuff

‘Turtles Forever’ (2009) Commentary | TMNT Week

August 07, 2014

For the 25th anniversary of the Ninja Turtles, the Turtles of THREE generations clash! Start the commentary track on this one as soon as you start the Turtles Forever feature.

As with many things in my life, this one begins with a huge apology. There was supposed to be a video element to this originally, featuring film clips with the commentary overlaid much like SUPER SENTAI SINGLE SHOTS, and I thought I had that down, but the audio and video tracks will not sync properly on any of the films. I’ve tried and researched everything I can, and can’t peg it.

Now, it’s likely a timing issue. Mike and I recorded these back in March (aside from Thursday’s track) and used different video files to record the commentaries. It’s likely that these files are the issue, as I’m trying to sync a variety of different items from different medium and make them all work. I’m going to keep hammering away at them, and if I can get them to work I’ll put them up, but as it is they look terrible and I won’t publish something that looks that bad.

We’re hoping to have something really special for you Friday: Mike & I playing TMNT ’89. However, my Hauppauge is dead because I have the worst luck ever. We’re working on a solution. Until then, if you’d like to help me with getting that fixed/replaced and also help events like TMNT week become more regular, please consider supporting the show at Patreon. Any help is great appreciated, but is not required; we will never make you pay to see Room Full of Nerd Stuff related content.

