Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Bryan Singer is a terrible director | Room Full of Nerd Stuff #6

December 06, 2013

This week, Bryan Singer shits on our childhood, the WB fucks up it’s Justice League franchise, and opposers of the Wonder Woman casting are the worst people on the Internet.

Now kids, let’s have a serious talk. We love doing the podcast, but it’s tough to work out a weekly podcast sometimes. The editing, the discussion, etc. etc. And because of how topical the series is, we can’t really do a buffer. So for the time being, Room Full of Nerd Stuff will be adopting a bi-weekly schedule. But that doesn’t mean we’re going to disappear. On the weeks we don’t have a new Room Full of Nerd Stuff, you can expect a new installment of our ridiculously popular YouTube series, Crappy Cinema Commentary. Plus, look for The Raw Reactor to return soon-ish.

In the meantime be sure to comment on this page and let us know what you think, or you can send Mike or myself a message on Twitter.
