Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Room Full of Nerd Stuff

AuRrGh!! #23: Retailleros!

October 04, 2013

Last week, Mike mentioned a job prospect. Well that interview was three weeks ago now. Did he get the job? Should you bother shopping at The Disney Store? Does anyone care about The Black Cauldron (leave a comment if you do!)? Listen to find out! Plus what if the WWE was purchased by the House of Mouse?

Look, show notes! Mike is gonna be so proud.

Power Rangers Angelfire Page!?

The Mortal Kombat Legacy S2 Kenshi fight, or just watch the entirety of MKL S2 here

The best Sony Blade design ever?

The worst neck break ever?

As always, you can find Mike on Twitter here and myself on Twitter here. And now you can subscribe to the show on iTunes here! Leave us a comment, and let us know what you think. That includes you, Tarv. And now you can buy our shirts! Go pick out an AuRrgh!! tee or footie pajamas and let everyone know you love the show.
