Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Room Full of Nerd Stuff

AuRrGh!! w/ Mike & Chris, Episode 14: The Sadcast :(

July 26, 2013

It starts off with Mike and Chris talking about Gokaiger and their mutual crush on Gokai Yellow (Chris totally has dibs), but then both realize they are fucking old and it kinda goes downhill from there. Also on topic: Y2K, the rapture, and this Sailor Moon henshin.

As always, you can find Mike on Twitter here and myself on Twitter here. And now you can subscribe to the show on iTunes here! Leave us a comment, and let us know what you think. That includes you, Tarv. And now you can buy our shirts! Go pick out an AuRrgh!! tee or footie pajamas and let everyone know you love the show.

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