Homesteads and Homeschools

Homesteads and Homeschools

Latest Episodes

Permaculturely Based Banter with Bellamy Fitzpatrick
July 07, 2020

This week's guest is Bellamy Fitzpatrick. Bellamy is a self-described Green Anarchist who has put out a plethora of well thought out and indepth content that gives us all something to think about. He came on the show today to talk about his...

Happy Homeschooling Ham Radio Homeboy
June 30, 2020

It's homeschool time! Meet Anthony. Anthony started out homeschooling, did some relocating, came out and finally went back to homeschooling to finish up his secondary educational career. We talked about his time in both, and what education looks like...

Coovin' at the Library: GVQ Update #10 6/20
June 25, 2020

Almost time to start school, if only the library would get over their Covid fear and let people take out books... Also, more chicks! And kittens! Sunrise Kittens! Giant Sunflowers! Blue Slate Turkeys Sunset Links from the Show: Music from the...

Love Your Native Bees with Dave Hunter
June 23, 2020

Everyone knows about honey bees, but did you know the world of bees is so much bigger than that? Joining the show today is Dave Hunter of Crown Bees. Dave is the Bee Man! He was full of information about different types of solitary bees, native to the...

Twelve Years of Homeschool with Beth Clark
June 16, 2020

It's been a while since we had an adult guest who grew up homeschooled, so why not this week? Beth Clark from Idaho is our guest this week, and we talked about what her life has been like as someone who was homeschooled from the very beginning, we...

Pwease Grow with Steppy
June 09, 2020

2020 has been a wild year so far, and cities have been a curious place to be. Steppy found this a good excuse to vacate the city life with a goal of eventually moving even further out. Of course, what would life outside of the city be if you weren't...

Life in a Teacher's Box with Ali J.
June 02, 2020

Joining us for today's show is Ali J., a former public school teacher. We talked about her experience as a teacher and all the state regulation and control that goes on behind the scenes that many parents are unaware of. The Links Music from the...

Gore Galore: GVQ Update #9
May 28, 2020

So much poultry last month. So much death this month. Find out why on today's recap. And find out what's coming up in the future!     Onions hanging. One of the remaining chicks. Almost done poultry tractor. Sickly winter squash. Links...

Make the Dirt Work with Gonzo
May 26, 2020

A homesteading adventure this week with guest Gonzo from the ! We talked about his setup and how he has gone about turning tough clay soil into something that can grow vegetables. We discussed a few different techniques he's used including lasagna...

All The Different Types with Colleen Puckett
May 19, 2020

This week Colleen Puckett, a Georgia homeschooling mom came on to talk about so many alternatives to the public school system. We talked about homeschooling, private schooling, public "homeschooling," distance learning, and how to make it all work...
