Homebrewed Christianity

Homebrewed Christianity

Latest Episodes

Kester Brewin: Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Religion
April 16, 2024

We have all been talking about AI of late and I have been on a bit of a reading deep dive about it. I am thrilled to have my friend Kester Brewin back on the podcast to talk about Artificial Intellige

Tony Jones: the Dazzing Darkness & Wild Places
April 08, 2024

I have been friends with Tony Jones for a long time. For over 12 years, he has been working on his memoir, and it was worth the wait. The God of Wild Places: Rediscovering the Divine in the Untamed

The Post-Easter, Mo-Easter Edition
April 05, 2024

On this edition of the Theology Nerd Throwdown, Tripp & Bo nerd out about post-Covid Easter worship the United Methodist Breakup over LGBTQ inclusion how frustrating LOTS of aging institutions can ge

Faith without Certainty & God After Deconstruction
April 04, 2024

In this live session, Tom Oord and Tripp Fuller will joined by Josh Patterson of the (re)Thinking Faith podcast to discuss the nature of faith after certainty and the role of scripture for a faith in

James McGrath: Theology & Science Fiction
April 01, 2024

James McGrath is back and we have some serious fun geeking out about theology and Science Fiction!! What is the difference between a god and a powerful alien? Can an android have a soul, or be conside

What’s the deal with Deconstruction?
March 28, 2024

I am excited to share this conversation with Thomas Jay Oord. In it, we discuss what weve learned from surveying thousands of people in faith transition the reasons, the process, and the possibilit

Diana Butler Bass & John Dominic Crossan: The Resurrection of Jesus
March 25, 2024

This week, we are joined by Diana Butler Bass as we discuss the historical Jesus, the resurrected Christ, and a host of questions from members of the online class. To join the class, head over to www.

What is happing at Theology Beer Camp 2024?
March 24, 2024

Im excited to announce that tickets for Theology Beer Camp are now on sale! This year, well be hanging out October 17th to 19th in Denver, Colorado. Grab your calendar and save the dates to join 20+

Robert N. McCauley: Religion is Natural & the Cognitive Science of Religion
March 22, 2024

People often ask me, Tripp, in 17 years of podcasting, whats your favorite interview? I can never answer the question because there are so many different kinds of interviews. I love episodes with m

Jennifer Garcia Bashaw & John Dominic Crossan: Critical Scholarship for a Faithful Disciple
March 20, 2024

This week, we are joined by Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw as we discuss how historical Jesus scholarship can challenge and shape Christian practice, along with a host of questions from members of the onl