Holy Puck Podcast: Hockey News, Views and Abuse

Holy Puck Podcast: Hockey News, Views and Abuse

Episode 35 - Barry Manilow Loves The Golden Knights… And Showers

November 24, 2016

VEGAS, BABY! Episode 35 of The Holy Puck Podcast is a Vegas-centric, 90 minute, extravaganza.

We talk about the Golden Knights' name, motif, logo and most importantly, get crazy on the potential opening roster.

Thinking we're kidding, well, we're not. Judge now, but some of this is crazy enough to work and let's not forget, GM GM is an A grade slimeball who isn't above a back alley deal to get what he wants.

While we're at, are you a fan of a long suffering, loser team? Fear not, we name our Top 5 fanbases that should seriously consider defecting to Las Vegas.

The Holy Puck Podcast, powered by Cheapskate Hockey. GET SOME.
