Holocaust Audio Tour

Holocaust Audio Tour

Latest Episodes

Holocaust Audio Tour 9: Places of Ha’Shoah
September 10, 2015

Move to the grouping of photos on the left side of this exhibit. These buildings and places represent “Places of Ha’Shoah” – places where the events of the Holocaust took place. Tucson photographer Cy Lehrer used heavy black borders and film base

Holocaust Audio Tour 08: Concentration Camp Uniform
September 10, 2015

Move to the long striped jacket in the glass exhibit case. Perhaps the rarest artifact in this exhibit, this concentration camp uniform is one of very few still in existence. It was given to the exhibit by Jack Bomstein, whose father Moritz wore the unifo

Holocaust Audio Tour 9: Places of Ha’Shoah
September 10, 2015

Move to the grouping of photos on the left side of this exhibit. These buildings and places represent “Places of Ha’Shoah” – places where the events of the Holocaust took place. Tucson photographer Cy Lehrer used heavy black borders and film base

Holocaust Audio Tour 08: Concentration Camp Uniform
September 10, 2015

Move to the long striped jacket in the glass exhibit case. Perhaps the rarest artifact in this exhibit, this concentration camp uniform is one of very few still in existence. It was given to the exhibit by Jack Bomstein, whose father Moritz wore the unifo

Holocaust Audio Tour 07: Timeline
September 10, 2015

Along the floor path of the Holocaust exhibit, you will find a timeline of a brief history of human rights in the 20th century. This retrospective includes not only issues relevant to the Holocaust, but to all matters of human rights from across the globe

Holocaust Audio Tour 07: Timeline
September 10, 2015

Along the floor path of the Holocaust exhibit, you will find a timeline of a brief history of human rights in the 20th century. This retrospective includes not only issues relevant to the Holocaust, but to all matters of human rights from across the globe

Holocaust Audio Tour 10: Fragments of the Budapest Ghetto
September 10, 2015

Near the “Places of Ha’Shoah” images is another grouping titled “Fragments of the Budapest Ghetto.” These scenes are from an old Jewish section of Pest, Hungary, a district of 19th century buildings near the Danube River. Here the Nazis establis

Holocaust Audio Tour 10: Fragments of the Budapest Ghetto
September 10, 2015

Near the “Places of Ha’Shoah” images is another grouping titled “Fragments of the Budapest Ghetto.” These scenes are from an old Jewish section of Pest, Hungary, a district of 19th century buildings near the Danube River. Here the Nazis establis

Holocaust Audio Tour 06: Liberation
September 10, 2015

By May 1945, Nazi Germany had collapsed. American and Soviet troops liberated the camps and were shocked at the conditions they found. They were sickened by the sight of thousands of dead bodies stacked on top of each other. Most of the survivors resemble

Holocaust Audio Tour 06: Liberation
September 10, 2015

By May 1945, Nazi Germany had collapsed. American and Soviet troops liberated the camps and were shocked at the conditions they found. They were sickened by the sight of thousands of dead bodies stacked on top of each other. Most of the survivors resemble
