Holistic Path to Health Podcast / Nutrition / Psychology / Self-help & Alternative Therapies

Holistic Path to Health Podcast / Nutrition / Psychology / Self-help & Alternative Therapies

HPH 008: Quinton Marine Plasma: Find out How It Can Help You Improve Your Health - with Gillian Livock

January 16, 2015

On this show, I’m talking to Gillian Livock about Quinton, which is microfiltered marine plasma. Quinton is purified from a pristine ocean plankton bloom and is similar to the internal fluids of our body, which means that it helps us replace and replenish minerals, trace elements, and other vital nutrients, we lose through everyday living. Quinton has been around for about 100 years and is now starting to be more prominent within the natural health arena. Gillian explain more about what it is exactly, how it originated, how it is processed, and of course what it can do for our health.


Gillian’s website: www.livhealthy.co.uk
