Holistic Path to Health Podcast / Nutrition / Psychology / Self-help & Alternative Therapies

Holistic Path to Health Podcast / Nutrition / Psychology / Self-help & Alternative Therapies

HPH 007: Rules of Successful Weight Management: Lose Weight & Keep It off for Good!

January 13, 2015

This time I’m sharing with you my rules of successful weight management that, unlike some other weight management programmes out there, will help you lose and maintain your desired weight long-term. I’ve been working in the area of weight management for 15 years now and I have developed this set of rules based on my research and studying human physiology and biochemistry, and of course all those years of working with people struggling with their weight. Unfortunately, many diets and weight loss programmes available out there demonstrate very little understanding of how the human body works, and offer approaches that are simply too superficial to work in the long run. The rules I’m sharing with you may take you some time to implement but that’s ok as this is about making  sustainable long-term dietary and lifestyle changes.

You can also listen to my audio series that expands on a lot of the topics covered in this episode.

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