Hold On, Let Me Tell It

Hold On, Let Me Tell It

Latest Episodes

#86- Microwave Meatsplosion!
September 11, 2020

This week on the show we pick up where we left off last week. Mat is still basking in glory! We get into the past weekends events that included a fantasy football draft (Sarah is now in the league!) and Adam regales us with stories from Meatsplosion. Our

#85- All's Well That Ends Well
September 04, 2020

This week on the show we start out with a mixed bag of topics and stories that have happened since we last recorded. After that, we get into a heated game of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader that almost derails the show completely! Mat reads some Yelp &

#84- Microwave Pizza Folds For One
August 28, 2020

This week on the show, Adam graces us with a bite sized bit of "The Rockport Files". Mat talks about working a wrestling show over the weekend as a ring announcer before reviewing another product in "The Scat With Mat". Sarah brings the scoops and a great

#83- A Chili Night in the Neighborhood
August 21, 2020

This week on the show Mat recaps dinner with the neighbors. A mistake after slicing a hot pepper almost derailed everything before it even began, which leads to a story about the time he got pepper sprayed. Sarah hits us with some local scoops and advice

#82 The Return Of Desperado!
August 14, 2020

This week on the show we start off by doing a brief look into a UFO story. Then it is time for Mat to defend his title in a game of Desperado. In Sarah's Scoop we hear about an unsolved mystery from right here in Wisconsin. Enjoy!

#81- Unsolved Mysteries Part 2
August 07, 2020

Hey gang! This week on the show we get into the second half of the new season on Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. UFO's and murders! mostly murders. We also get into another round of hilarious product reviews on "The Scat" and some news in the "Sarah's Scoo

#80- Unsolved Mysteries Part 1
July 31, 2020

On the show this week, we open with some talk about Adams recent birthday weekend (not much to do in a Covid-19 world). We then spend the bulk of the show discussing the Netflix reboot of Unsolved Mysteries. We decided to break it up into a two part serie

#79- HaribNO!
July 24, 2020

On the show this week we sit down and start things off with a quick recap of last weeks "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" game. Sarah fills us in on some shows that she has watched including the new Unsolved Mysteries, and a documentary on the Grim Sleeper

#78- Who Want's To Be A Millionaire?
July 17, 2020

This week on the show we welcome a couple of guests to the table: Adams parents, Jody & Kristy! After a couple of stories, one of which I'm sure Adam regrets being told, the game is on! Adam and Mat team up to take on the parentals in an epic bout of

#77- What a CANundrum!
July 10, 2020

Remember last week when we thought it was a good idea to bring various strange canned food to the table for a little taste test? Come to find out that wasn't such a great idea. What sorts of canned oddities will your favorite pod-casters have to stare dow
