The History of the Ottoman Empire

The  History of the Ottoman Empire

Episode 4- Murad I part 2: This time it's personal!

December 21, 2015

So first let me apologize for being a week late with this, life and the holidays got in the way! First I would like to thank Kristaps Andrejsons of the Eastern Borders podcast for his great intro, and I strongly encourage everyone to go check it out after you finish this episode, he is doing a great job! So back to the Ottomans, we left last episode with Murad stomping out a rebellion by his son and the son of the Byzantine emperor. After this Murad focused his attention on Asia Minor. After securing lands to the east by both peaceful and not so peaceful methods Murad refocused on Europe, and the threat posed by Prince Lazar of Serbia and his coalition forces. I won't spoil the rest, but it gets pretty epic!
