History Impossible

History Impossible

Latest Episodes

The Muslim Nazis III: Nineteen Twenty Nine
April 23, 2021

1929 was, in a lot of ways, the year the world began its final descent into hell. The stock market crash in the United States would lead to untold misery in much of the Western world and allow for the rise and spread of particularly noxious ideologies ac.

The Muslim Nazis II: The Mufti
March 19, 2021

"Palestine is my country and the country of my ancestors—I will sacrifice myself for the sake of its sons." —Hajj Amin al-Husseini In the second episode of History Impossible's first series, we'll be

The Muslim Nazis I: Early Adventures with Imperial German Islamophilia
January 23, 2021

"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France. ... Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poiters, then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which op.

An Impossible Announcement: History Impossible in 2021
January 19, 2021

This is a quick announcement I'd like to make regarding History Impossible's immediate future, which is mostly tied up in this inaugural long-term series--a season really--which needs a bit of explaining and reassuring (specifically to folks who prefer o.

An Impossible Interview IV: Aaron Sibarium, The Washington Free Beacon
December 04, 2020

The Impossible Interviews series is back with a different, but still special conversation I had with the amazingly talented and insightful Aaron Sibarium. Aaron is an associate editor over at the Washington Free Beacon, as well as a writer for various pu.

Infinitesimal Impossibilities 02: The Mad Madame of New Orleans
November 20, 2020

History Impossible is back sooner than some may have anticipated for another installment of the Infinitesimal Impossibilities series, this time recorded in the spirit (and in the last hours) of Halloween 2020.   This time, we cover a story that takes ..

Pandemic: Rendering a Hue and Cry
October 26, 2020

This episode is dedicated to Franco Bolelli. Since it's the year of our lord 2020, it was only inevitable that we'd talk about pandemics on History Impossible. What follows is an exploration of not just a pandemic and not just the most physically destruc.

BONUS! Ripples of Impossible History (on Fire): Confucius
October 09, 2020

As many of you are aware, I was recently featured among many other, far more talented history podcasters on Daniele Bolelli's History on Fire podcast in which we all discussed various figures and events in history that created massive ripples that no one.

Infinitesimal Impossibilities 01: The American Turtle
September 25, 2020

As History Impossible reaches its two year mark and the episodes get longer and longer, I figured that now was the time to do something different, namely to add a new show to the History Impossible family, as I've been calling it: Infinitesimal Impossib..

A Very British Samurai (Assimilation)
August 07, 2020

Japan in the 16th and 17th century was going through profound changes, not least of which being the ongoing civil war that had been ripping it apart for over a century, with warlord fighting warlord on a whim, the famed samurai chopping each other to bit.
