Hemlock Knots

Hemlock Knots

Latest Episodes

Changing LDS Church History: Part 1
January 18, 2022

Have their been changes to the LDS church history, as well as Joseph Smith's personal history? Who was involved? When did it happen? How did it happen? Are modern LDS church leaders and general member

“Who Killed Joseph Smith?” Interview w/ Justin Griffin & Steve Sorensen
December 26, 2021

Exclusive interview with Justin Griffin (Director & Producer) and Steve Sorensen (Film Maker). We discuss their full-featured documentary film "Who Killed Joseph Smith?" Explore the project, multiple

Ryan Fisher (Nephite Explorer) Interview
November 21, 2021

Explore Ryan Fisher's life experiences, discoveries, beliefs, interests and his understanding of what happened among the Nephites of the Book of Mormon and the early latter-day churches alike.

Rob Fotheringham Interview
October 24, 2021

Rob Fotheringham is an independent researcher, YouTube channel operator & former LDS church employee of 9 years on the LDS gospel library, welfare projects, perpetual education fund and more. Rob is b

Interview with Whitney Horning, Author of "Joseph Smith Revealed: A Faithful Telling"
September 27, 2021

Whitney Horning's book "Joseph Smith Revealed: A Faithful Telling" explores in great detail the truth behind Joseph Smith's energetic denunciation of polygamy amid the growing popularity of Nauvoo's t

Origins of LDS Polygamy: Samuel Smith & Orson Hyde's Missionary Journals Among the Cochranites
July 21, 2021

What are the real origins of LDS polygamy? Where did it start? Who was involved? Where did these teachings of spiritual wives and plural wives come from? One of the earliest contemporary first hand re

Analyzing LDS Church History
June 15, 2021

Five major factors should be considered before one commits to believing historical source documents as completely valid or true. While

Intro to The Hemlock Knots Show
May 15, 2021

An introduction to the Hemlock Knots show. We cover the origins, purpose and agenda of the website and the show,
