The Terri Cole Show

The Terri Cole Show

Latest Episodes

290 Back to Boundary Basics
March 23, 2021

We're back to boundary basics! I talk about the areas in life where we need boundaries and how you can identify boundary violations. "You, and you alone, are responsible for your feelings just as others are responsible for theirs." -  Terri Cole....

289 Yasmine Cheyenne - Harnessing the Tools and Techniques to Help Heal Yourself
March 18, 2021

Yasmine Cheyenne is a mental health and wellness expert who specializes in teaching her clients tactics so that they can heal themselves. "My goal is always to completely dissociate the societal context that keep us boxed in living unhappily." -...

288 Seven Signs Your Boundaries Suck
March 16, 2021

If you feel confused about your boundaries, these 7 signs will help you figure out where you can get better at setting them. "It doesn't matter if you have been the biggest boundary disaster in the history of the world, I promise you that you can...

287 Christine Hassler - Connecting with Your Inner Child
March 11, 2021

Christine Hassler, is a friend, bestselling author, fellow podcaster and coach. Today she talks about connecting and healing your inner child. "So much of these protective mechanisms we adopt as adults, but they really start in our childhood. They...

286 Four Top Reasons You’re Not Setting Healthy Boundaries
March 09, 2021

Healthy boundaries are so important, and at the same time, they easily get confusing. But I'm hope this episode helps clear things up for you. "We were raised and praised to be self-abandoning codependents" -  Terri Cole. Learn more about this...

285 Meaghan Murphy - Adding More YAY as the Author of Your Fully Charged Life
March 04, 2021

If you're interested in bringing more YAY to your life, then you'll love my guest, Meaghan Murphy.  She recently came out with the book, Your Fully Charged Life, and Meaghan talks about upleveling your life on today's show. "I truly believe my...

284 Three Must-Have Work from Home Boundary Strategies
March 02, 2021

In our new pandemic work from home normal, we're asked to put in place a new set of boundaries so that we can feel our best. "Create some sort of fun ritual to indicate the end of day." -  Terri Cole. Learn more about this episode of The Terri...

283 Dr. Daniel Amen - Rewiring Your Brain to Overcome Your Dragons
March 01, 2021

Do you ever wonder why you are so anxious? Dr. Daniel Amen has helped millions of people overcome anxiety and change their brains for life. "Mental hygiene is just as important as washing your hands, we need to disinfect our thoughts and tame the...

282 How to Avoid Covert Manipulation + Control
February 23, 2021

Covert manipulation and guilt can be very sneaky. In order to avoid being manipulated we have to be aware of the covert manipulation tactics. I'll go over the tactics and how to avoid covert manipulation on this episode. "In every relationship money...

281 Should You Leave? (Decision Guide Inside)
February 16, 2021

A question that I often get is "I can’t decide, should I stay in my relationship or should I go?" This will help you figure out what's best. "Every time we feel pain in a relationship it tells us that something needs out attention." - Terri Cole....
