III-B. Kvelertak II: Fetal Protection Laws and the Consequences of Health Injustice

October 02, 2017

Yeah! Here's Part B. We discuss fetal protection laws. This is extremely heinous—pregnant women denied abortions imprisoned for attempted feticide, then shackled while giving birth—and we wanted to give it the space it deserves and take time to edit it thoroughly. It contains within it all the dangers of a perverse nation regulating healthcare—structural racism, sexism, and the carceral state.These are the forces that must be defeated to realize health justice.

Enjoy! Please consider rating or reviewing or whatever so we can punish the Politico dweebs again.

Goodwin's paper is here: http://scholarship.law.berkeley.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4249&context=californialawreview

Thank you to Kvelertak for the use of our theme song, "Nattesferd."
