The Heaven Bound Podcast

The Heaven Bound Podcast

11 - More of the Devil’s Dirty Tricks

April 02, 2014

Matt. 4:5-11

Satan pulls out 2 more tricks to push Jesus to let humanity take over.

Jesus is tempted to jump from the top of the temple to prove His deity, and then is offered the whole world.

Find out how Jesus repels Satan’s attacks.

God’s Word and plan for us must always be the most important goal and motivation in our lives!



I will give away a copy of Kristy Huntsman’s new book Sanctified: Set Apart for a Purpose.

To enter, find our facebook page “The Heaven Bound Podcast” and share the post from April 2, 2014 explaining what the Heaven Bound Podcast is all about. Monday, April 7th I will put all the names who shared the post into a hat and Taylor will draw a name out during the introduction to the show that will be available Wednesday April, 9th.
