The Heaven Bound Podcast

The Heaven Bound Podcast

2 - The Genealogy of Jesus

January 15, 2014

Matt. 1:1-17

What is the importance of the genealogy of Jesus? Three very powerful evidences come from this list of names:

1.     Jesus fulfills specific prophecies regarding His birth, such as being a descendant of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob; from the tribe of Judah; from the shoot of Jesse; and of the throne of David. The incredible odds of Jesus fulfilling all the prophecies is a tremendous foundation for our faith, and Matthew shows us powerful evidence in what appears to be merely a list of hard-to-pronounce names.

2.     Jesus fulfills the promise made to Abraham about a seed that would bless all nations. Matthew records His lineage all the way back to this incredible father of promise.

3.     Jesus is shown to be heir to the throne by His lineage being traced back through King David. While that noble line may have been removed by powering nations, proof of the bloodline of Joseph back to David is rock-solid evidence that Jesus was fit to be king.

We also discuss the importance of teaching young children to sit still in worship. We know it’s not easy, but hang in there! It will be worth it!
