Health Tips' Podcast

Health Tips' Podcast

Health Tips Episode 25: Dr. Frank Bolvari, MD: The world's best doctor for Mayr Therapy!

April 16, 2012

Dr. Frank Bolvari is the world's leading doctor for Mayr Therapy. He is currently the Medical Director at F.X. Mayr & More (

The F.X. Mayr health regime, which is named for a doctor of internal medicine who was born in the 19th century and who died 45 years ago, is based on one overriding, relatively basic theory. Dr Mayr determined that the way to a man's health is through his stomach - or more precisely, his digestive system. He believed that we are essentially what we eat, and because we subject our systems to so much abuse through inherently unhealthy diets, the intestines are at the root of all our ills. As a consequence, the Mayr Cure involves purging the intestines of all those nasty toxins that have accumulated over time, particularly in those of us who can't resist second helpings of that Thanksgiving turkey or Christmas ham!

'As a young man, Mayr studied medicine, he had to massage the bellies of rich people,' says Frank Bolvari, medical director of the Mayr & More programme. 'He developed his own style of physical investigation, which found that if we eat badly, we have bad digestion.'

He adds: 'If you have any health issues, we are your Sherlock Holmes - we investigate, recommend a diet, guide you. It's like going to a Zen monastery or a small hospital - if you want to work on your health, this is the Mother house, the original treatment.'

Hear his advice! Dr. Frank Bolvari can be reached at

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