Healing Ties

Healing Ties

Latest Episodes

The Caregiver's Tool Box with Ryan McEniff
September 27, 2018

Two Irishman came into a bar...NO! Two Irishmen joined together on a podcast to talk about something that they are both passionate about...Caregiving! My guest on this episode of Healing Ties is Ryan McNniff. Ryan is owner of Minute Women Home...

Shifting Careers for the Right Cause
September 24, 2018

As corporate finance attorney and raising two children of her own, Catherine Hodder was thrusts in the role as family caregiver for her father after he suffered a series of mini-strokes. Suddenly balancing a career, raising children, and taking care...

The Art of Self Care Through Mindfulness with Janet Fouts
August 29, 2018

Janet Fouts has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and a caregiver for her partner, diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer 12 years ago. The combination left her burning the candle at both ends; burnout comes quickly and stays. Over time, Janet...

CarePredict with Jerry Wilmink
August 23, 2018

While in the midst of caregiving we are all looking for the one tool that will make our caregiving day just a little less worrisome. And with technology changing the way we live at an alarming rate, what if the two collided? On this episode of...

Dwell In The Spirit of YES
July 18, 2018

As caregivers, we understand sometimes just getting through the day can be challenging, yet music can help bolster our spirits! On episode 6 of "Songs For The Caregiver Soul" Barbara McAfee asks us to dwell in the spirit of YES! It's a little Gospel,...

When I Die and Living in the Light
July 11, 2018

On episode 5 of "Songs For The Caregiver Soul" Barbara McAfee introduces to two songs that continue us on the path of self thought and self-enrichment. When I Die and Living in the Light are two very personal songs that talk about a taboo subject,...

Her Spirit Dances
July 08, 2018

People often think of the elderly when discussing caregiving and end of life. But there are parents, who give birth to a child, discovering their precious child will need lifelong care and have challenges they were not expecting. This sets us off on a...

Dementia Sucks
July 04, 2018

Tracey Lawrence is a serial caregiver who survived helping both of her parents through their illness with love, compassion and humor. Tracey shares her insights with readers through her ground-breaking book, "Dementia Sucks", and through her family...

Surrounding You
July 03, 2018

On episode 4 of "Songs For The Caregiver Soul" Barbara McAfee introduces us to the Morning Star Singers, a volunteer singing group Barbara established to bring comfort, hope and nourishment to those who are ill. Through Barbara's song "Surrounding...

My Dad Got Sick
July 01, 2018

As a full-time photographer from Canada, Jay Perry has traveled the country and beyond to capture the moments and memories that matter. Then "My Dad Got Sick" and in 2013 I decided to pretty much give up my life to take care of my dad full time....
