The Healing Road Podcast

The Healing Road Podcast

Visualization and a Healthy Challenge (Season 5, Ep. 8)

May 25, 2020

In this episode, Jim and Ben share about their visualization challenge to sketch an icon of themselves as saints. They also discuss the power of creativity and visualization, especially in finding freedom from anxiety. Check out some of the studies on visualization below:

Visualizing ideal self vs. actual self through avatars: Impact on preventive health outcomes, Computers in Human Behavior
Visualization: Reducing speech anxiety and enhancing performance, Communication Reports
Testing Public Anxiety Treatments Against a Credible Placebo Control, Communication Education
A simple visualization exercise for reducing test anxiety and improving performance on difficult math tests, Journal of Worry and Affective Experience
The effect of psychological interventions on anxiety and depression in cancer patients: results of two meta-analyses, British Journal of Cancer

Jim Owens – Licensed Counselor and Professor of Counseling
Ben Pohl – Catholic High School Campus Minister

Current Season
During our season on The Healing Power of Art, we discuss the way in which various forms of art and creativity can foster interior health and healing and how it can even support physical health due to its psychological benefits.

Seasons of The Healing Road Podcast consist of ~10 episodes and cover broad topics. Mini-Series‘ consist of ~5 episodes and tackle specific and relevant issues, like anxiety, healthy habits, etc.

You can connect with Jim and Ben at and visit their website at
