Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP# 98: From Tragedy To Truth: A Lesson in Forgiveness and Growth w. @caseycease

September 17, 2017

The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast - Episode #98 with Casey Cease Would you ever be able to forgive someone for killing someone you loved? What will you learn from this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast: >>The importance of forgiveness >>How to bounce back (from any situation) >>The need to take action >>How to build a business from a personal struggle When Casey was in his Junior Year of high school, Casey was battling a growing depression. After having his heart-broken, and hearing a distressing story he left a party he was hosting late at night, against the best efforts of his friends to keep him there. As he was leaving his neighborhoodin despair, he changed his mind, turned around, and was headed home. As he was nearing his home his friend was in the middle of the road waving him, he swerved to avoid him and crashed. When he swerved, he turned in the same direction his friend jumped. He hit him going 80 mph. When he awoke in the hospital he was told by a State Trooper that he had killed his friend. While he was in the hospital, the parents of his friend came to the hospital and forgave Casey! As a parent to two young children, I can't imagine their loss, but more mind blowing, I can't imagine what it took for them to forgive Casey. The challenge for Casey, he needed to find a way to forgive himself. What Happens When You Hit Rock Bottom? For years after the accident, Casey battled depression, and thoughts of suicide. It wasn't until Casey publicly shared his story that he began to heal, and realized the power of story. In that healing process, Casey started to write a book about his experience to help others battle through their own personal tragedies. In his writing process and publishing process, Casey saw how little support there was for those who wanted to write and publish their book. There were basically two options, approach a traditional publisher or self-publish, but there was little support in between. He approached his mentor with the opportunity and eventually created Lucid Books, which is a Partnership Publisher. The irony in Casey's story, he is dyslexic. I'm probably one of the only dyslexic publishers in the world. When you hit rock bottom, the only direction left to go is up! To get the complete show notes, visit www.douglasjfoley.com/98
