Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #88: Turn Your Power Into Profit with Alex Barker

May 29, 2017

From selling strollers and car seats to paying off his mortgage in 3 years, Alex Barker has mastered the side hustle...

Don't forget family - 80% of your time with your kids will become before they are 18.

I knew from the moment Alex reached out to me on Facebook that we were going to have a great conversation.

Alex Barker is the founder of The Happy PharmD, which is a niche blog dedicated to helping pharmacists create a side hustle.

What I didn't know about Alex, was the reason behind his businesses. Early in his pharmacy career, Alex and his wife had a burning desire to help other couples adopt. The challenge, as a pharmacist it would be very difficult for them to do this so Alex started his journey into entrepreneurship.

With very little business background, Alex started to buy and resell used baby strollers and car seats online. Realizing his limitations and wanting to help more people, Alex started his media company, began consulting, and now has created a number of courses to help pharmacists.

What you will learn in this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>>How to create your side hustle
>>The importance of taking action
>>Why self-education is the best education
>>How to turn your powerful skillset into profit

To get the complete show notes visit www.douglasjfoley.com/88
