Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #87: Freedom Isn't Free - Thank You To Those Living A Life Of Service #Grateful

May 22, 2017

I don't have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world. – President Ronald Reagan

Freedom isn't free...

With Memorial Day around the corner, it is always a great time of year to show gratitude to those who have committed their careers to a life of service. There is no greater sacrifice than that of those who risk their lives to provide the very freedoms we often take for granted.

Below are 5 very distinct groups of people who live a life of service that I am incredibly grateful for:
>>Men and Women Serving in the Armed Services
>>Men and Women Serving as Police, Fire, and Paramedics
>>Men and Women Serving in the Medical Field (especially Nurses)
>>Men and Women Serving in Charity, especially the new wave of >>Entrepreneurs building Public Benefit Corporations (like Toms, Ten Trees, Patagonia, Quest Nutrition...)
>>Moms! (The biggest life of sacrifice, and the reason the world keeps turning)

To all those who put themselves in harm's way and choose to live a life of sacrifice - Thank You!

Happy Memorial Day

To find your daily motivation, visit www.douglasjfoley.com
