Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #84: How To Change The World One Story At A Time w. @NikkiGroom #HappinessOfPursuit #Podcast

May 01, 2017

"I refuse to accept defeat" - Nikki Groom

One of my favorite questions to ask my guests is "If you could go back to the beginning of your journey, what advice would you give yourself?"...

Nikki's answer was simple, "I wouldn't". She values the journey so much, that she would rather relive the entrepreneurial journey. She is now known for being a "message shaper for movement makers."

NIKKI GROOM is a digital marketer, brand strategist, and content marketing expert for business leaders and entrepreneurs who want to build a successful business while making the world a better place.

She is the host of Movement Makers, a podcast featuring in-depth conversations and unfiltered stories from business leaders and entrepreneurs who are making a difference on the planet, and founder of The 100 Stories Worth Telling Project, which seeks to amplify the voices of women entrepreneurs all over the world.

Nikki is passionate about the power of storytelling as a way for thought leaders to humanize their businesses, build relationships with the people they most want to serve, and inspire readers into action. She is also a firm believer that all businesses should lead with empathy.

Throughout the interview, Nikki shares the importance of taking action, and how in each point of her journey the lessons she learned from jumping head first, led to massive growth, both personally and professionally.

What you will learn in this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>>The importance of taking action
>>How to focus on your passion in order to change the world
>>How to go from your first client to a sustainable business
>>How to network, even as an introvert
>>Why you must teach what you need to learn

To get the complete show notes, visit www.douglasjfoley.com/84

