Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Latest Episodes

Guild Wars Reporter 186 – These Shared Slots Go To 11!
April 22, 2016

Celeste and Allona sifted through the April Spring Quarterly update patch notes… all 17.7K words… for you. They also have some news close to home. Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona Got the (now defunct) core fractal cheevo done under the wir...

Guild Wars Reporter 185 – SAB Returned! (AKA The ‘Shut Your Pie Hole’ Patch)
April 08, 2016

Note: No YouTube video this week. It just wasn’t in the cards. Celeste and Allona have to play some catch up on GW2 news after slacking off last week (such slackers!). As well, it’s time for another segment of 5on5 where they talk with Edward “Screenag...

Guild Wars Reporter 184 – Bunny Ears or Death
March 25, 2016

Celeste and Allona discuss the news of GW2 and – wait for it – they talk about GW1 too! Like, they played it. Recently. Also, Ultra returns to go over PvP news, tips, a new challenge, and another ever-popular StM game!

Guild Wars Reporter 183 – Do Your Love Thing
March 18, 2016

Celeste and Allona say stuff about the news in GW2. All the stuff. Talking. Yup. Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona I made The Device! I had been able to get above 1k gold … after buying the 10 Elonian leather I needed to finish tier 1,

Guild Wars Reporter 182 – GW2 AMA Newsapalooza!
March 11, 2016

So ‘Who needs news? Not us!’ was the name of the last episode. This week? Hey, have a ginormous, awesome AMA with ALL THE NEWS; some good, some bad, some sad…but NEWS! There was so much to go over that this week is basically all ‘Report from Lion’s Arc...

Guild Wars Reporter 181 – Who needs news?! Not us!
March 06, 2016

Celeste and Allona, like the rest of the community, don’t have a ton of news to talk about but they always find stuff of chat about. Come along and join them for the journey, won’t you? Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona Unlocked dragonhunter...

Guild Wars Reporter 180 – Dulcet Tones ‘r’ Us
February 26, 2016

Celeste is a trooper, sounding worse than she feels so Allona tries to do most of the talking. There was a patch to go over and a bunch of community stuff. Surviving the Mists fans, the segment had to be postponed,

Guild Wars Reporter 179 – Return of the Cellona
February 19, 2016

Allona has returned to her home planet of Tyria in an attempt to rescue her friend Celeste from the clutches of the vile dragon Steve McBubbles. Little does Allona know that the Quaggan have secretly begun construction of a new armored dragon lieutenan...

Guild Wars Reporter 178 – Buffalo Wings
February 12, 2016

Allona is still recovering so Celeste and Ultra soldier on through the patch notes and the pvp meta without her. Audio Version What We Did This Week Ultra PvP solo and with team.  Did some build testing on warrior I got the GREATSAW Lots of Fractals.

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 177 – Gong Show
February 07, 2016

Chris and Bill attempt, and fail, to replace Celeste and Allona for this week’s Guild Wars Reporter. With the girls unavaible for recording, it’s up to the not so dynamic duo to go through all the Winter Update news and more.
